The sustainable Energy Transition in Open Source (ETOS) project will provide useful tools for a holistic assessment of energy transition pathways in Spain and their related environmental impacts. Funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation, the project will create an open-source modelling suite that combines an energy system optimization model via Calliope and an environmental assessment tool (ENBIOS).

Energy Transition in Open Source
The suite will supply a coding base from which users can visualize and obtain detailed information of prospective energy scenarios in the energy transition. It will also provide an ecological perspective through sustainability indicators on domestic and externalized environmental impacts. ETOS focuses on providing clear and detailed information about the environmental impacts in the energy transition in Spain to facilitate researchers and policy makers to with valuable insights.
The LIVENlab team will create a pilot the Calliope Spain and environmental impact modelling suite. The main goals are:
- Adapt the Calliope modelling code to the Spanish energy system.
- Further develop the international component of ENBIOS.
- Asses the externalized impacts of the energy transition in Spain.
LIVEN Lab team members
- Cristina Madrid López (PI and Calliope-ENBIOS integration)
- Jesús Ramon Martin (externalization)
- Emilio Padilla (Input-output)
- Alejandro Caballeros Finkelstein (Externalization and Energy modelling)
- Stefan Pfenninger (advisory board)
- Înes Campos (Advisory board)

Funded by the Spanish Research Agency, grant TED2021-132032A-I00